
Saturday, March 13, 2004

Some quotes on the whole gun control issue.

Some scary:

"If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government's ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees."

-President Bill Clinton, August 12, 1993

Some interesting:

"Gun Control? It's the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I'm a bad guy, I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety Locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We'll see who wins."

-Sammy "the Bull" Gravano, Mafia turncoat, asked about gun control in an interview in Vanity Fair

And some that surprised me:

"...Christian reflection has sought a fuller and deeper understanding of what God's commandment prohibits and prescribes. There are in fact situations in which values proposed by God's Law seem to involve a genuine paradox. This happens for example in the case of legitimate defense, in which the right to protect one's own life and the duty not to harm someone else's life are difficult to reconcile in practice. Certainly, the intrinsic value of life and the duty to love oneself no less than others are the basis of a true right to self-defense."

-Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, 1995

A whole bunch more from Aristotle to Rosie O'Donnell to Malcolm X, stating both views of this always hot topic can be found at the following link:



So Close, and Yet So Far

Never one to disappoint, GWB has had yet another excellent gaffe. While speaking at the White House regarding International Women's Week, Bush stated "Earlier today, the Libyan government released Fathi Jahmi.
She's a local government official who was imprisoned in 2002 for advocating free speech and democracy."
Touching. Though Fathi Jahmi is in fact a 62 year old male civil engineer who was sentenced to five years in jail for speaking out regarding constitution and pluralism.


HOW many times did I have this same argument with my mom? Well, Bryan Tickell, a former immigration official in Vancouver says he was fired only after his management got hold of his diary and read something that was no business of theirs. Whatever it was, it was enough to get him fired for violation of the code of conduct. But that shouldn't matter. It was his personal diary with his personal thoughts. So he's suing for punitive damages of up to $250,000 plus general and aggravated damages.
Dinosaur Roaming?

There may be a new theme park popping up on a volcanic island off Papua New Guinea soon. Villagers say they ‘fled in terror’ after seeing a big scary creature with a head like a dog and a tail like a crocodile. The gray creature was seen in a marsh ouside Kokopo and villagers were able to identify it as a dinosaur based upon books and movies they had seen. Heavily armed police have been deployed to the area, but have yet to find any monster. But if they did, said Mayor Albert Buanga, that would be one great tourist attraction!

Friday, March 12, 2004

Woman Opting for "I'm Just Stupid" Defense in $1 Million Bill Case

So Alice Pike has come up with an excellent defense for herself. When she tried to pay for her items at Walmart with the $1 million bill, she really really really thought it was real. "You can't keep up with the US Treasury," she said.

She said that she received the bill from her estranged husband (perhaps it was a support payment?) and she certainly wasn't trying to pass off bad money! "That's ridiculous!" she proclaimed.

Why yes, yes it is.
Turkish CrackDown on Minorities, Satanists, and Magicians
Well this is scary. The military General Staff in Turkey has requested authorities to "gather intelligence because it was necessary to makes plans to take effective measures against incidents that could arise."

It is collecting information on folks who support the EU and the US, and also targeting "the socially elite, members of artistic groups and children of wealthy families." Included in the witch hunt are:
any foreigners living in Turkey
ethnic minorities living in Turkey
white supremacist sympathizers,
groups that meditate
groups that congregate on the internet
"Writers and thinkers who are working against Turkey"

Shockingly absent from the list are Mimes.

Ooops! Heart Procedure on Wrong Patient!
Immediately after completing a successful heart catheterization, doctors at Sarasota Memorial Hospital discovered they had been operating on the wrong patient. Supposedly the patient suffered no harm from having the procedure, but the hospital is still a teeny bit concerned about the gaffe.

Thursday, March 11, 2004


More Unit Choppage!

Yesterday in Penticton, BC, a 33 year old man lopped off his testes and his unit, left them at home (on the kitchen table?) and then careened down the street bellowing “Repent, Repent, Fornicators!!!!” He stopped running near a construction site, where paramedics covered him up and plopped him on a stretcher while he continued shrieking his all-important message.
Although his member and little boys are intact, it is unknown whether or not reattachment surgery will take place.

Quote of the day, today in history: Mar 11 1993 "We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans." (Bill Clinton, quoted in USA Today)


Pets are People Too.

A church in Connecticut is giving Holy Communion to pets and offering them special worship services.

St Francis Episcopal Church in Stamford is offering pets special doggy and kitty worship services and giving them holy Communion during said services. This initiative is brought on because of a fall in human church attendance numbers.

Always thinking outside the box, eh?


Menudo is Back

In a blow to music lovers everywhere, the all-prepubescent boy band Menudo is holding an international star search so they can go back on the road. There will be an open audition in New York this summer for boys aged 10 - 14. They will have a wholesome, contemporary hib/urban/Latin crossover sound per Menudo Entertainment LLC.
I believe earplugs can be obtained cheaply at Home Depot.


50 Ways to Leave Your Lover...
A 60 year old German man called out the cops for a full search for his 39 year old wife when he thought she had sleepwalked out of their home and might be in danger. We're talking a FULL search, complete with helicopters and hounds! Turns out she wasn't sleepwalking. She was found at her friend's house, where she had decided to stay since she was leaving her husband.


Here's ANOTHER Restaurant to mark off your five-star list...
While a photo worker was developing film at a North Carolina CVS pharmacy, a couple of shots spurred a phone call to authorities. Were they dirty pictures? Nope. They were very clean. They were pictures of two Wendy's restaurant employees taking turns using the large sink there as a bathtub. When or why they took their bathies in the kitchen at work is, as yet, unknown.

Health officials say it's okay, since the sink has been sanitized. Ick.

A New FlashGame? Better Than Penguins!

Tulane University receives over 100 cadavers per year, donated by people who want to live on through science and education. It only uses, however, about 40 to 50 cadavers. What to do with the remainder of the remains? Why not give them to the Army to blow up on land mines?

Cadaver broker National Anatomical Service (NAS) of Staten Island, N.Y., is no longer servicing Tulane as of last month. The broker was only doing his job: hooking up buyers and sellers. And the Army needs to be able to blow up bodies to be sure that, well, they either do or do not blow up when wearing (for example) special boots or something. It's better than using the living, don't ya think?)

NAS has actually started turning down contracts with the Army, as the work was exceptionally labor intensive. Not only did they have to pick up the bodies in New Orleans and transport them (with escorts) to several locations throughout Texas, they ALSO had to pick up the shreds post-test, cremate them, and then return them to the university.

When body donors sign up to donate their corpses, they sign that the cadaver can be used for educational and research purposes. So the Army actions, while not as sterile as having medical students learn about the large intestines, fall completely within the realm of the agreement.

Michael Meyer, a medical ethics from California, disagrees. Says Meyer,"How would you feel if your mother's body was donated to science . . . and she ends up being thrown on a land mine? This is not only ghoulish, but it's also ethically reprehensible."

Wednesday, March 10, 2004


Back Away From the Computer...
A 31-year old man in Chengdu, Sichuan province (China), died at an internet café after a 20 hour non-stop session of Saga. Apparently, dude regularly spent 10 hours or so per day at the internet café, but this time dedicated a bit more time to it. He was found dead at the computer Saturday morning by employees.


Enough Already!

41 year old Helen Ogiliev of Denton, Manchester, keeps on getting pregnant. But not as pregnant as she wants.
Helen already has 9 kids, aged 1 through 21, has an obsession with carrying twins. She insists she will keep trying until she has her way. She told the Daily Mail "I can't believe that after so many pregnancies I haven't had twins. I was disappointed when I had my latest scan and found I was only carrying one baby."
How's hubby with all this? He's coping. "Every time we have another one, she promises me it will be our last," he said.


Hey Buddy, Got Change for a Million?

As she waited for her $998,325.00 in change, Alice Regina Pike of Covington, AL, probably was thinking she was going to get away with it. After all, don't people ALWAYS go to Walmart with $1 million bills? (Even though the government doesn't MAKE such a thing.)

Luckily, an alert worker at the register realized that maybe this was a higher denomination than the typical customer would use and told her it could not be accepted.

Not the sort to be put off by such things, Alice then whipped out 2 gift cards...unfortunately, they only had a combined value of $2.32, so that didn't work.

Finally, Alice asked the clerk just to cash the $1 million dollar bill. It was then that the store called police.

Violence on TV...

So the other night, Teri Lynn Carver of Oklahoma & her hubby Cecil were having a typical evening in: laying in bed, smoking marijuana, and watching the Montel Williams show on TV. Montel's show that night was about how to survive domestic violence. After watching the show, Teri told Cecil that gosh, HE seems a lot like those violent guys on TV!

Cecil did not like being accused of being violent or abusive, so he punched her, grabbed his handgun and fired a shot in her general direction. This to prove that he's not violent.
Well, Teri tried to use the phone to get help, and while Cecil was trying to get the phone out of her grip, Teri grabbed his gun and shot him in the arm. The bullet went through his arm and BAM into his chest, killing him.

Teri's not facing charges for killing Cecil, because it appears to have been kind of accidental.

What do you want to bet that we'll soon be hearing about Cecil's family suing Montel for his death?

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Today in History: Mar 9 1997 Notorious B.I.G. (Christopher Wallace) killed in a drive-by outside the Soul Train Music Awards in Los Angeles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Funny Looking Guy Resents Being Fired


Daniel A Lorenz is upset. He believes he has been fired unfairly from his dream job as an overnight stocker at Wal Mart because of his religious realities, his universal truths.

Walmart states he's been fired because of his failure to adhere to their dresscode.
Let's see. Danny Boy traditionally looked like this:
priest's shirt with Roman collar
arab headdress (kaffiyeh)
six crosses
a hip back with an anarchy symbol and the words "vampire" and "Ninja"
a ponytail and fuzzy chin (to reflect his belief that he is only 'borrowing' his body and therefore should not desecrate it by cutting parts of it off)

Danny was repeatedly told to straighten up, show the corporate identity and professionalism expected at WalMart, or ship out.

Now, Danny SECRETLY RECORDED counseling sessions with his bosses, so he could prove that they were evil and wrong and condemning him because of his unique faith. Sadly for him, these tapes actually include conversations with management that clearly refer to the dress code and specifically deny any issue with his religious beliefs. For example: store manager Steve Shadrock: "It has nothing to do with what you believe in," he says. Doesn't seem iffy to me, but Danny is certain that he's right and has filed a complaint with the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

"I believe I have been discriminated against because of my religion, universal belief," he said in a sworn affidavit filed with the agency Tuesday. "I do believe in God, but I don't attend any one church. There is no title to my religion other than a universal belief system." Other members of his...uh...faith...include his mom. That's about it. She works at Walmart too. But she dresses in a more subdued manner.


Rare Robin in Britain. Briefly.
Birdwatchers in Grimsby (Britain) got more than they expected when the came out to watch a rare American Robin flitting around.
As they lined up with their cameras, and held their breath in anticipation of seeing and hearing beautiful robin redbreast.....A SPARROWHAWK SWOOPED DOWN AND ATE IT!!!!!!!!

Graham Appleton, of the British Trust for Ornithology, told ananova: "It was a terrible moment. The bird did not live to enjoy its moment of fame."

Bwah ha ha ha ha!

It's a Boy! No, Wait...

Rosa Silvina Moyano and Carlos Alberto Diaz got quite a surprise when they brought their little newborn baby, Rodrigo Nicolas, home from the hospital for the first time.
Turns out that Rodrigo is actually a girl. A girl who had had her diapers changed and been bathed a number of times while in the hospital. A girl who was deemed to be male because, according to the Ushuaia Regional Hospital, "an administrative error took place after someone in the nursery thought the baby looked like a boy".

I guess the administrators weren't exactly looking at the right part of the child to determine sex.

Minor-league hockey team signs Tonya Harding
The Indianapolis Ice, the same minor league hockey team that once signed the amazingly tall Manute Bol, has now signed former US Olympic Figure Skater/Boxer/Would-Be Bludgeoner Tonya Harding to play with them!

"We learned last season [with Bol] that it's easier to teach someone to fight than it is to skate," Ice general manager Larry Linde said in a statement. "She's already a world class skater and a professional boxer to boot."
She'll be playing Friday night against the Coloroda Eagles. The game is being called "Guaranteed Fight Night", and promises that there will be a fight at the game or all the folks to turn out to see it will receive a free ticket to the Ice's final regular-season game on Sunday.
Today in History: Mar 8 1998 In Ladson, South Carolina, Daniel Rudolph -- brother of Olympic Games bombing and abortion clinic bombing suspect Eric Rudolph (a fugitive) -- videotapes himself severing his own hand with a power saw in order to "send a message to the FBI and the media". Mmmm, inbreeding? -dailyrotten

Cut Me a Break: PC Stupidity

Jacob Finklea, 12, brought scissors to his sewing class at school in Indiana to make a set of pillows, but was kicked out under his school's zero tolerance policy. According to IndyChannel.com, the teacher asked the students to put their supplies on the table prior to starting to sew. "I put the scissors on the desk and she just freaked out."

The issue: the scissors were not school issued, and thusly posed a threat to the school.

The school 'vigorously defended' its stance.

So Sad. Daytona Beach Boobie March a Bust.

Wow. What a bummer. The topless march we were all so psyched about in Florida (well, I was), totally bombed. Although in past years women have been ripping their tops off all over Daytona during Bike Week, only about 50 women showed up for this show of support for breast baring. And only ONE, the organizer, took off her shirt.

Reminds me of the flash mob I went to in Philly last summer. All 5 of us had a grand old time...

Stupid is as Stupid Does

Brad Shorten was hanging out with some friends, chugging down beers, and talking about how stupid people are. "My mates and I were talking about construction site accidents and taking your eye out with a nail gun, and I foolishly put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger," he told the Sunday Herald Sun.

Yup, that was indeed foolish, as the nail gun was not empty and he thusly fired a 3.2cm nail through his skull and into his brain! To further enhance the appearance of stupidity, Brad didn't realize the nail had gone in. I guess he thought the little red dot on his head was blunt force trauma.

When he started getting woozy, though, his level headed 13 year old son convinced him to go to the hospital. Still in the 'do it yourself' mode, Brad asked the nurses for some pliars so he could pull the offending nail out himself. Surprisingly, they refused his request, though they likely did offer him some ice chips.

In a four hour operation, dude had his skull opened and the nail removed. I believe Brad summed it up quite well after the fact when he said "I did a very stupid thing".

What was your first clue?

Great New Restaurant!

Next time you're in the Philippines, do me a favor and swing into Spamjam, a new restaurant in Makati. The restaurant opened in late February and is quite a hit, serving such delicacies as the following:

Spam club sandwich
Spam macaroni
Spam potato chowder
bean soup with Spam
Spam Caesar salad
Spam poppers

Shockingly enough, the hotdogs are NOT, repeat NOT, made of Spam.

Incidentally, if you are looking for a recipe for Dipped SPAM Swiss Sandwiches or tasty SPAM cupcakes, I have them right here at my desk on my SPAM calendar. Really.


Sunday, March 07, 2004

Okey Dokey. So folks are telling me to blog the crud I come out with daily. So, here we go. STARTING MONDAY MARCH 8TH IN THE YEAR 2004, MY DRIVEL WILL OFFICIALLY BE POSTED ON THIS HERE BLOG SPOT. Perhaps someone doing a google or dogpile search for daily weird news or stupid stories or daily buzz or something like that will stumble across it. Then fall in love with my writing skills. And offer me a job for, like, 80 million dollars a year. And then I'll have to say No thanks, I love my mindless job that I've held down for years and I really wouldn't know what to do with that money. And then the rich folks would stumble back in shock, and offer me all the bucks plus a cute little beagle puppy and I'd have to say yes. Because beagles are cool.

Today in History: Feb 24 1992 In a very special episode of Geraldo, daytime talk show host Geraldo Rivera has fat cells removed from from his ass and injected into his forehead. --dailyrotten


OUCH! Woman Says 'I Don't' At NBA Game

I've wondered for so darned long when this would happen. A guy so confident in his girlfriend's reaction proposed marriage to her in the middle of a public sporting event. And she said no.

At this weekend's Indiana Pacers-Washington Wizards game, a woman was 'randomly' selected to be in a halftime contest on the court. She participated, and won that contest, then was told 'but wait - there's more'. Joe Boyfriend then got down on bended knee and proposed to her. And she quick as a bunny turned around and ran far far away! Click on the link for some fun video of the humiliating scene!



Thieves steal bridge in Ukraine

Metal theft is a bigger problem than one would think in Ukraine. So big, in fact, that some conniving thieves have STOLEN an 11m steel bridge, previously stretched over the river Svalyavka. Police blame the local population, as it seems highly suspicious that nobody noticed the theft until they tried to cross the river.



This Guy's Art Literally Stinks, I should think.

Shihan Hussaini, a painter in India, has grown tired of the usual mediums of oils, chalks, pastels, or water colors. So he had 4 bottles of blood drained from his body over a span of 20 days and used said blood to paint 56 portraits of Jayalalithaa, the chief minister of Tamil Nadu.

"I am very satisfied with the spectacular aesthetic result of my effort and I wish the chief minister sees all my paintings," he said.

He plans to take his bloody paintings to schools and colleges to encourage people to donate blood.

Uh. And then to paint with it?



A security screener at Denver International Airport has been reprimanded and several others at airports across the country put on administrative leave for sending their bodies through checkpoint x-ray machines to see what their brains look like.

They managed to roll themselves down the conveyor belts and have their bodies scanned. They are in big trouble now, and it has been proven that they do not, in fact, have any brains at all.

Today in History:Feb 27 1992 Trying to get the lid off her McDonald's coffee to add cream and sugar, 79-year-old Stella Liebeck accidentally splashes the 180-degree liquid on herself, causing third-degree burns to the thighs, genitals, and buttocks. After skin graft surgery and weeks of recuperation, Liebeck asks McDonald's to turn down the temperature of their coffee and pay $20,000 to defray her hospital bills. McDonald's tells the old lady to f off, as they had done for a decade of similar burn claims. Ultimately, a jury awards Liebeck $2.9 million in the resulting lawsuit, which immediately triggers a renewed call for legislative tort reform. --dailyrotten


How to Lose a Job Interview in Sixty Seconds

Ha! In Pequannock, NJ, a 53 year old man stopped off a thte Holy Spirit Catholic School to pick up a job application. Officials at the school refused to provide him with said application based solely upon his appearance. He had decided to dress for success in a diaper and pink stretch pants.

According to police, when he was not even given the chance to apply for the position, dude literally defecated in his diaper. He was later apprehended at a local supermarket and is being faced with child endangerment charges.

I wouldn't be surprised if we soon hear about him suing the Catholic Church for violating his civil rights to dress like a poopy idiot.


I've Been Looking for a New Coffee Table Book...

Norwegian sexologist and transvestite Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad is compiling a book to show off the variety of his countrymens' units. He has photographed dozens of men in Oslo and Grimstad to illustrate his book, which he says will feature 80 to 100 photos of the scepters of power.

He hopes that most men will be able to find a wingding similar to their own in the book.

"Heterosexual men have no one to compare their [john thomas] with," he said.

"During my 18 years as a sexologist, I have answered all kinds of questions relating to [trouser snakes].

"Many think theirs is either too small or too thin but the reality is that there is such a variation."

Ambulance crew ask patient for directions

In Britain, poor Rosalind Stillwell had to help her own ambulance drivers find the hospital! Rosie was in a crash and had broken 8 ribs and her collarbone. She was supposed to be being transported to Shoreham-by-Sea, in West Sussex. But when she woke up from a pain filled nap in the back of the ambulance, she found that the ambulance had gone about 60 miles in the wrong direction, toward Shoreham, Kent.

Rosalind said: "The paramedic said, 'Don't worry, we're ten minutes away'. I panicked and knew it was not the right route. I said, 'I told you we were going to Sussex'.

"Then they stopped, showed me a map and asked me how to get there. It sounds funny, but it was farcical.

I was in a lot of pain and didn't need this on top of everything else."

She arrived at Southlands Hospital two hours late.

Rosalind said: "After the crew put me in bed they left pretty smartly. They realised the blunder. When I told my family and friends they were horrified, even though we tried to see the funny side."

Wings, the company that provides transport for NHS and private patients in the Bath area, says it will investigate the incident.


Toad Tunnel

PETA must have some kind of power in Germany. How else to explain the fact that Germany's government is shelling out $300,000USD to build TUNNELs for toads and frogs to use under a roadway so they won't get squished?

Berlin authorities have insisted that said road be built to compensate the city for having a new diplomatic school built in a conservation area.

Under the deal, five 33-foot tunnels for frogs and toads are to be built by July under roads in the suburb of Luebars. The project will offer safe passage to an estimated 4,000 amphibians each year, ministry officials said.

Sum 41 being sued for throwing hot dog

Sum 41 are being sued by a New York man who says they threw a hot dog at him.

Michael Sudore claims band members heckled and threw a hot dog at him at a local minor league baseball game. Sudore says they secretly taped the whole incident and included it without his permission on the DVD that accompanied their 2002 album Does This Look Infected?

Sudore, who is seeking £3.3 million in damages plus legal fees, claims he's experienced psychological trauma and adverse effects in his self-owned home improvement business.

Says his outraged lawyer of Sum 41: "They picked him out because of his distinct look and pelted him with a hot dog, then surreptitiously taped him and his reaction, and not in the most flattering way."

Today in History:Those Indecisive Swedes:

Mar 1, 1700 - Sweden introduces its own Swedish calendar, in an attempt to reform into the Gregorian calendar.
Mar 1, 1712 - Sweden reverts to the Julian calendar as March 1 follows on February 30.
Mar 1, 1753 - Sweden introduces the Gregorian Calendar as March 1 follows on February 17.
A Woman Shall Obey Her Husband...to the death...

83 year old Glen Schibley was working in his yard in Orlando, when he fell and could not get up. Glen adamantly declined needing any assistance and would not let his wife, Harriet, help him or call for assistance.

Being the good and obedient wife, Harriet did not get any help. And through three days of torrential downpours, she lovingly brought him food and water in the yard, and even covered him with a tarp to help keep him dry.

Sadly, during one of the treks to and from the house, Harriet also fell and could not get up.

They were both found laying in the yard by their son-in-law. Glen had passed away and Harriet was injured. She is now in the hospital and is expected to make a full recovery.

"They wanted to be left alone and we left them alone and maybe we shouldn't have left them alone," neighbor Sherman Brunell said.

Monday morning quarterbacks...

Today in History: Oct 20 1973 The Six Million Dollar Man premieres on ABC. Lee Majors' exceptional acting can only be compared to that of the great William Shatner. --dailyrotten

Well, NOW what am I going to make for dinner???

In response to a number of cases involving people eating slugs or snails and becoming ill, the Medical Journal of Australia has issued the following warning: Don't eat slugs.

The most recent case involved a Sydney student who contracted bacterial meningitis after eating a slug for a $20 bet. The meningitis was caused by a worm normally seen in rat lungs, but also carried in larval form in slugs and snails.

Woman breaks both legs by jumping up and down
A US woman broke both legs when she jumped up and down to complain about loud music in the flat below hers.
Toni Lynn Lycan, 44, lost her temper when her neighbor in an apartment block in Ridgefield, Washington, increased the volume of his stereo.

She shouted at Allen Haines, 27, to turn it down, but he grabbed a broom and banged it on his ceiling.
The infuriated Lycan then jumped up in the air and slammed both feet on the floor - hard enough to break both legs about four inches below the kneecap.

The injuries were discovered when police officers were sent to the apartments.

Rotten Fruit: Smuckers Thinks we're Suckers

Fruit. That's what we've come to expect from Smuckers. After all, doesn't their labeling declare "Simply 100 percent Fruit"?!?!

Well, a woman with Princess and the Pea Palate Syndrome (PPPS) sampled some Smuckers spreadables and found them lacking. The litigious licker has launched a campaign for a class-action lawsuit against the J M Smucker Co, charging that the company has for years duped innocent Americans into paying for partial potency in their fruit products. How far off was the percent? The 100% fruit strawberry jam has less than 30% strawberry fruit. Blueberry? Only 43%.

I for one, am appalled. Thanks to Glenn McMillen for bringing this atrocity to my attention and thusly, to YOUR attention.

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