
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Today in History: October 26 1997 Basketball great Charles Barkley is charged with aggravated battery and resisting arrest after throwing 20-year-old man Jorge Lugo through a plate glass window in an Orlando, Florida dance club. Barkley later tells reporters: "I regret we weren't on a higher floor." -dailyrotten


Link of the Day: In this day and age of computer graphics wizardry and worldwide circulation via the internet and email, hoaxes and urban legends are spreading like never before. Study the ten photographs. See if you can tell whether the photo is genuine or a clever put-on.


Live Music Alert!

Venturing out on his own, nonsucky band member Markus Norvick will be playing his VERY FIRST solo show Friday night (the 28th) at the 4W5 Café in Wilmington. He'll be opening up for a band called Clive, which is having their debut cd release party. Mark totally does not suck when he plays with Sauerwine, what say we see if he continues on his path of nonsuckiness Friday? Be there or be obtuse!


From the enraged Lord Mutter...

In a stroke of incomprehensible stupidity, Rome, Italy, has banned goldfish bowls because animal rights idiots say that life in a fishbowl is, indeed, no life at all. Additionally, no more fish or other animals will be awarded as prizes at fairs or carnivals.

Word is that living in a fishbowl makes little fishies go blind, and it's just wrong wrong wrong. As Monica Cirinna, the lunatic behind the by-law says, "It's good to do whatever we can for our animals...the civilisation of a city can...be measured by this."



New Jersey Tax Dollars At Work

Newark New Jersey's city council is tired of reading news about crime, poverty, joblessness and the like. So what's a city council to do? How's about award the Newark Weekly News a $100,000 no-bid contract to publish nothing but positive news about the city? Nothing but sunshine. Nothing but joy. Nothing but feel-good-rainbows-and-butterflies "news".

Per Howard Scott, owner of the newspaper, ""Do we have critical reporters on staff? No. Do we have investigative reporters? No. Our niche is the good stuff. "

The terms of the contract also include the following: the paper can ONLY follow leads from the council and from the mayor's office. And all of the news MUST be positive.

In Newark. New Jersey.



So the other night around 4am in Graz, Austria, a 23 year old man finished off several bottles of red wine, climbed onto the ledge of a fourth floor window, shouted out "I am Superman! Nothing can happen to me!" and jumped.

Turns out he is not superman. Dude was saved by landing on part of a lower section of roofing, and is now hospitalized with head and back injuries.

Talk about a hang over.


FYI: World Peace Has Been Achieved

Yogmata Japaki has created a better world...by burying herself for 3 days.

Yep, Yog buried herself in an underground pit with no food or water for 72 hours in a belief that her actions would bring peace and order to the earth.

She just crawled back out of the pit and has stated: "I have prayed so that there is no suffering or disturbance. I am very happy that love and peace will be there."

Word is that Yog is buying a subscription to the Newark Weekly News.


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