
Friday, March 12, 2004

Woman Opting for "I'm Just Stupid" Defense in $1 Million Bill Case

So Alice Pike has come up with an excellent defense for herself. When she tried to pay for her items at Walmart with the $1 million bill, she really really really thought it was real. "You can't keep up with the US Treasury," she said.

She said that she received the bill from her estranged husband (perhaps it was a support payment?) and she certainly wasn't trying to pass off bad money! "That's ridiculous!" she proclaimed.

Why yes, yes it is.
Turkish CrackDown on Minorities, Satanists, and Magicians
Well this is scary. The military General Staff in Turkey has requested authorities to "gather intelligence because it was necessary to makes plans to take effective measures against incidents that could arise."

It is collecting information on folks who support the EU and the US, and also targeting "the socially elite, members of artistic groups and children of wealthy families." Included in the witch hunt are:
any foreigners living in Turkey
ethnic minorities living in Turkey
white supremacist sympathizers,
groups that meditate
groups that congregate on the internet
"Writers and thinkers who are working against Turkey"

Shockingly absent from the list are Mimes.

Ooops! Heart Procedure on Wrong Patient!
Immediately after completing a successful heart catheterization, doctors at Sarasota Memorial Hospital discovered they had been operating on the wrong patient. Supposedly the patient suffered no harm from having the procedure, but the hospital is still a teeny bit concerned about the gaffe.

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