
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

So this guy went to visit the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, England, and had a truly smashing time. As he was gazing at the priceless items, he accidentally tripped over his untied shoelace. He careened down a stairway, knocking three 17th/18th century Qing Dynasty vases off of their resting place of the past 40 years. CRASH!!!!!!!!

Dude was redfaced, but unhurt – in spite of the shards of porcelain flying about from the shattered vases. The curators of the museum are taking it all in stride.

When asked about the state of the vases, the response was: “They are in very, very small pieces, but we are determined to put them back together.”


Meanwhile, in Wakefield, Mick Woods settled down to make himself a ham sammich. For unknown reasons, as he opened the package of ham, he read the ingredients list. Included there in, in big bold letters right there in front of God and everyone, the package stated that it contained……dog shyte.

Yep. Poopies. Tootsie rolls. Doggie donuts. Poodle presents. Collie cookies. Beagle biscuits. Cockapoo…er…poo.

H R Hargereaves & Son has fired the employee that conducted the prank, and Mick is satisfied. But he won’t be having any ham sammiches again for a while.

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