
Monday, May 08, 2006

Today in History May 8, 1999 Actress Dana Plato, who played Kimberly Drummond on Diff'rent Strokes, dies in Oklahoma of an overdose of Valium and Loritab. Just the previous day, Plato had appeared on the Howard Stern syndicated radio program claiming to be clean and sober.


Link of the Day: Gifts you should not give your mother for mother’s day. I particularly like the Goodbye Kitty, myself. http://www.americaninventorspot.com/node/871


Tim Patch is a pretty talented Australian! He's a painter, see, but is not tied down by custom or tradition. He paints portraits...with his Penis!!

Yes, one fateful New Year's Eve, Tim showed his friends his amazing talent of painting portraits with his member, and they were all very impressed!

Tim and his staff are now populating galleries throughout Australia with penile pop art and the crowds just love it.

His latest renderings: a portrait of the Prime Minister and also of opposition leader Kim Beazley.

His mom must be just SO proud.


Prince Henrik of Denmark has animal rights folks all in a tizzy.

He recently admitted quite openly that he loves dogs.

They're tasty.

As the Prince puts it: “Dog meat tastes like rabbit. Like dried baby goat. Or perhaps - I know! - like veal. Like the veal of a baby suckling calf, only drier....dogs are bred to be eaten, just like chickens.””

Amusingly, this houndavore is the honorary president of the Danish Dachshund Club, and is rarely seen without little wiener dogs romping about near him.

Now that the animal rights folks have learned of his culinary specialties, they wish to re-open a case from the 1990's when one of the royal dachshunds disappeared.

Stolen? Perhaps not. Eaten? Entirely likely.

Stay tuned for more drama from the PETA front!


Forget chads! St Albans Tory Keith Stammers lost his council seat to Lib Dem Judith Shardlow in this most recent election after the official votes came in with a tie.

After 3 recounts, Judy and Keith were tied with 1,131 votes each for the position. To settle the issue, the candidates had to pull pencils - whomever got the longest pencil got the short end of the stick / lost.

Keith drew the long stick, and Judy is now Mayor.

How odd.


A 36 year old Dutch dude was involved in an OJ-esque police chase this past week.

Dude was driving along at a whopping 6 mph when a cop noticed his infraction. The cop pulled his car up, parked it, jumped out and ran after the car.

He jumped into the passenger's seat and ordered the driver to pull over.

Dude was found (shockingly) to be under the influence of drugs, and his license was revoked for 12 hours.

The snozberries taste like snozberries!


Carolina Carreno and Francisco Vargas went to a hoity toity resort in Quinta Region, Chile, for their honey moon. The bride was a vision of joy with her waist-length blonde hair as she and her darling went for a dip in the swimming pool.

As they came out, she was a vision of horror, as her hair had turned a hideous shade of green. She and Fran are suing the resort now.

Per her new hubby: "At first, when I saw the hair, I tried to say something funny to calm her down, but she was really angry. And now everyone is calling her the incredible hulk!"

Lesson #1 - never joke about your wife's hair, especially if it has turned green.

Lesson #2 - don't go making the situation worse by talking to the press about it.


Ladies, you may now go on the subway in NY and not worry about having some bootlicker come up and slobber on your Jimmy Chu's.

Cops have finally caught 23 year old Joseph Weir and are holding him as he awaits trial for serial foot licking in the subways of Manhattan.

He is accused of repeatedly approaching women on the trains, asking to be their slave, grabbing their ankles and yanking them off their feet. Then he allegedly would kiss and lick their shoes and ankles, sometimes removing the footwear in his eagerness.

He has admitted to doing this to at least 70 women in the past 3 years, but the suspicion is that he has tasted leather from many more than that.


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