
Friday, December 09, 2005

This day in History: December 8, 1980: John Lennon's popularity is revived due to his being shot to death outside the Dakota by "a local lunatic". Also on this day, in 1941, the day after Pearl Harbor, the 4th Interceptor Command reports two formations of enemy planes approaching Los Angeles, spotted in the San Francisco area. Fortunately, the seagulls do not bomb the city.
Link of the Day, for those still racing through Christmas Shopping - Toys for Dull Children!!! http://www.babybushtoys.com/
Mary and Jesus sighted in West Virginny!!
John Mize of Crawley, WV, was cleaning out his car and checked out the mess that was under the car seat.
It was then that he realized how it was that he had, over the past spate of time,graduated from law school, passed the bar exam, gotten a job as a law clerk and even avoided a traffic ticket.
For what was under his seat was none other than Mary and the Baby Jesus!!!
Their limited engagement in John's car was in the form of crushed Funyons snacks. Miraculously, the Funyons were in the shape of Jesus and his mom.
John is convinced that these are lucky spiritual Funyons, which brought him luck lo these many months.
They also brought him over $600 when he recently auctioned them off via eBay.
In Miami Beach, FL, folks are up in arms over a different kind of Christmas display in their neighborhood. Seems one of their neighbors bound and gagged a life sized Santa Claus doll and hung it from the big tree in his front yard.
Neighbors are aghast and children are frightened by the swinging Santa.
The homeowner? He says he's just expressing his freedom of speech.
Ho HO!
For pics of the horror, click here: http://www.nbc4.tv/slideshow/holidays/5482428/detail.html?qs=;s=1;p=holidays;dm=ss;w=400

A bank robber patiently waited in line at the Landeskbank-Hypothekenbank in Vienna. (Say THAT ten times fast!). He got to the counter, and showed the clerk something he stated was a bomb and demanded money.
Maria Bertel, the clerk, misunderstood his request, thinking he just wanted to make a normal withdrawal. Maria told him she didn't "deal with money here and [told him ] to go to the next counter."
Miffed by this rude service, and unwilling to wait in yet another long line, the robber left the bank. It was only then that Maria realized her gaff and called police.

Talk about butch! Carla Aguilera was arrested in Peru for robbery, but when cops arrested her she claimed her name was Manuel Martin Aguilar. She was checked out by numerous police officers, but "none noticed she was a woman".
So Carla was tossed into a men's prison and hung out there for a month or so. An anonymous phone call alerted the police to the fact that she lacked certain chromosomal traits that make someone a male. She was given a full medical exam and it was concluded that yes, indeed, Carla was a chick.
Carla was swiftly moved to a women's prison, and she's not happy. Say police: "She looks and acts exactly like a man, it was impossible to see that she is a woman. She insists she is a man and wants to be transferred back to the male prison!"

A church youth group from the Katzwanger church in Nuremburg, Germany, has put out a calendar that has other church members' panties in a bunch. It's a lovely calendar with pictures of people portraying different biblical scenes, like Delilah snipping Samson's hair and Eve offering Adam a an apple (wedged between her breasts) and the like.
Only thing that is ticking off the rest of the church? All the models are nude and hot hot hot. There's also Jesus being baptized, Salome doing her hottie dance, and Isaac being sacrificed.
Winfried Roehmel, a spokesman for the region's Catholic archdiocese, said: "It is not acceptable to pose naked in a church. The right way to approach the Holy Scriptures is not by pulling your pants down."
Hee hee hee

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