
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Today in History: March 16, 1949 Erik "Ponch" Estrada was born. See Erik now! Still got those teeth! http://www.krxy.com/Images/Artists/erikestrada.jpg

Also, March 16, 1994, former petite figure skater Tonya Harding was arrested for obstruction of prosecution in the Nancy Kerrigan Knee Bashing debacle. See Tonya now! SCARY! http://media.mnginteractive.com/media/paper210/031504_harding.jpg

Link of the Day: From the presurfer: "Amaztype is a typographic book search generator using Amazon web services.
You decide what to use (books, music or video/dvd), type in a word and that word will be generated out of book or music covers that contain that particular word." http://amaztype.tha.jp/ Kind of slow, but you can have fun typing in dirty words n stuff hee hee hee.


Important news flash: Looking for a fun night out? Here's a great suggestion received today from Chief Mid Atlantic Correspondent of the Moment and Apparent Man About Town Glenn McMillen:

Spamalot the musical is coming and it will star Tim Curry! It also has David Hyde Pierce and Hank Azaria.
Going to play in Chicago and then come to Broadway.



Well, this is a shocker.

FHM has made it official. Well, at least the German edition. FHM (For Him Magazine, for those who have been living under a rock) has proclaimed Camilla Parker-Bowles to be the winner of the coveted 'Least Sexy' title.

This is a fabulous accomplishment for Cammy, as last year she only ranked third on the list.

I'm thinking it's the horrid red dress that pushed her over the top.


Girl Scouts Robbed

Evil Ohioans. Some adorable little girl scouts were outside of a Kroger in Columbus, OH, selling their demonic cookie wares. A lying fool came up to them and said he had never bought girl scout cookies before. (Right) As the kids explained to him about the wonders of Thin Mints, dude reached over and grabbed their envelope of $320 and then ran off.

Girls cried and shouted. Troop leaders were aghast. Krogers employees and customers alike were outraged. How were the girls to get to summer camp now, without the $320???

So Krogers took up a collection, to show the truly caring nature of the outraged people there.

The girls have no idea what they will do with the whopping $25 that was collected.

Marmite ads banned

A television ad for Marmite has been pulled from airwaves during children's shows because the scary commercials are terrifying children throughout the UK. In the commercials, people are chased and apparently consumed by a giant blob of Marmite. Word is that children are now refusing to sit down in front of the telly and stare blankly at it, due to their enormous fear. And we can't have THAT, now, CAN we??

Marmite is a dark brown-colored savory spread made from the yeast that is a by-product of the brewing industry. For more information and pictures, feel free to click this link: http://www.spurgeon.org/~phil/marmite.htm#whatis

Tumbling Clown Injures Canadian

Maria Miller went to Cirque du Soleil with grand expectations of amazing feats of flexibility and other circus type stuff.

Imagine her surprise when a clown tumbled across the stage and onto her, causing distress and "numerous soft-tissue injuries" (translated: she got a bruise). The rather robust clown was supposed to stop, but momentum got the best of him.

Maria is suing for personal injuries, income loss, and expenses incurred as a result of the clownroll gone awry.


The Great Shoe Mystery

Jason and Claire Foster live in a farmhouse out in Lincolnshire and have, of late, been victimized by a suspicious pair of shoe droppers. The Fosters have even caught the strange act on video: it appears that the shoe people are an elderly couple driving a green vehicle. We know nothing more.

Shoes have been appearing in sets of one to four pairs at least once a week since December. Sunday is the primary shoe delivery day. Says a council environment official who is investigating the situation: "Sometimes it's odd ones, sometimes it's a couple of pairs. But they're of all shapes and sizes. There has even been pairs of roller blades...There must have been more than 30 pairs so far - it's been going on for months."

I wonder if the shoes are at least fashionable?

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