Tuesday, September 28, 2004
With all the ruckus about GW vs JK, people seem to be forgetting that there are more than just the two running for pres of this fine country. I have found MY champion. Join me, and Vote Harry Bottoms!
Note: T-2 days till the beginning of the end of the world.
I hope you all have your aluminum foil beanies ready. September 29th and the alien invasion are right around the proverbial corner, and I've had no updates regarding the progress of our Resistance Forces.
Dude Should Play the Lottery
Jorge Marquez from Cuba has an electric personality. He was just struck by lightning: for the fifth time since 1982. Jorge is a farm worker in San Manuel and apparently has a tendency to stay out in the fields during severe weather.
Surprisingly, the strikes feel differently. Sometimes, "I feel like something very cold enters my body," says Jorge. Other times, "as if I'm a hot iron being immersed in cold water."
Thinker that he is, though, he has been able to minimize the destruction fraught upon him when struck. Heck, the first time, he had his hair burnt and his fillings all blew out of his teeth. Now, when he feels the strike a-comin', he grabs a piece of rubber to cut down on the intensity of the hit. Says Jorge, "I don't trust my luck anymore. As soon as it starts to rain I look for some isolating material. I don't want to go through it a sixth time!"
And here my mom always just told us to run back to the house. Silly.
Smoke Free Environment
So you already cannot smoke in public establishments in San Francisco. Now the powers that be have decided that perhaps you shouldn't be allowed to smoke outside either. Michela Alioto-Pier has proposed a law that would ban "inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted smoking equipment for tobacco or any other weed or plant" in any outdoor recreation areas.
Thus effectively restricting smoking to one's home or car with the windows shut tight.
Mmmmm yummy!
Shark Info for the Unenlightened
So I was excited to see that a Great White Shark is swimming about the shallow waters of Cape Cod...I mean, how cool is that? Noted in reports is the hope that the sharky finds its way back to open waters by itself, else researchers may try to drive it out to sea. Little did I know the history of such an activity.
As explained to me by Harold "I never met a fish I didn't like" Friedline: "
This is known as the Great Atlantic Shark Drives. Sharkboys ride high in the saddle on their seahorses and with a lusty cry of, "Yippie-yi-yo-ahoy," they drive the errant sharks to market. There they have a whale of a time. They squander all the sand-dollars they've earned at the sand-bar drinking Rusty Snails and chasing after anything that smells like fish. "
Now That's a Big Fungus
Scientists have discovered Europe's biggest mushroom in a Swiss national park near the Ofenpass. They have confirmed that the 1,000 year old shroom which measures 800 by 500 meters is, in fact, one big fungus.
The only bigger shroom known to man exists in our very own United States and covers a surface area of 9 sq km and weighs about 600 tons. Note: I've tried to find additional info on the giant US growth, and cannot confirm where exactly it exists. Due to limited editing time, I am looking to my readership for this info. First one who tells me the answer, with appropriate supporting info, will gain my eternal gratitude. Limited time offer.
Lone woman gets own voting station in India
In the Indian village of Miao there is one registered voter, that being 26 year old Manjulikh Chakma. And she plans to vote in the state elections on October 7.
In order to make it legal and right in the eyes of the government, a staff of 14 poll workers and guards are therefore going to trek for 6 hours through the jungle to reach her. They will set up the polling place, and they will sit there from 7 am until 4pm when voting officially ends.
I just hope she remembers to Get Out The Vote.
With all the ruckus about GW vs JK, people seem to be forgetting that there are more than just the two running for pres of this fine country. I have found MY champion. Join me, and Vote Harry Bottoms!
Note: T-2 days till the beginning of the end of the world.
I hope you all have your aluminum foil beanies ready. September 29th and the alien invasion are right around the proverbial corner, and I've had no updates regarding the progress of our Resistance Forces.
Dude Should Play the Lottery
Jorge Marquez from Cuba has an electric personality. He was just struck by lightning: for the fifth time since 1982. Jorge is a farm worker in San Manuel and apparently has a tendency to stay out in the fields during severe weather.
Surprisingly, the strikes feel differently. Sometimes, "I feel like something very cold enters my body," says Jorge. Other times, "as if I'm a hot iron being immersed in cold water."
Thinker that he is, though, he has been able to minimize the destruction fraught upon him when struck. Heck, the first time, he had his hair burnt and his fillings all blew out of his teeth. Now, when he feels the strike a-comin', he grabs a piece of rubber to cut down on the intensity of the hit. Says Jorge, "I don't trust my luck anymore. As soon as it starts to rain I look for some isolating material. I don't want to go through it a sixth time!"
And here my mom always just told us to run back to the house. Silly.
Smoke Free Environment
So you already cannot smoke in public establishments in San Francisco. Now the powers that be have decided that perhaps you shouldn't be allowed to smoke outside either. Michela Alioto-Pier has proposed a law that would ban "inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted smoking equipment for tobacco or any other weed or plant" in any outdoor recreation areas.
Thus effectively restricting smoking to one's home or car with the windows shut tight.
Mmmmm yummy!
Shark Info for the Unenlightened
So I was excited to see that a Great White Shark is swimming about the shallow waters of Cape Cod...I mean, how cool is that? Noted in reports is the hope that the sharky finds its way back to open waters by itself, else researchers may try to drive it out to sea. Little did I know the history of such an activity.
As explained to me by Harold "I never met a fish I didn't like" Friedline: "
This is known as the Great Atlantic Shark Drives. Sharkboys ride high in the saddle on their seahorses and with a lusty cry of, "Yippie-yi-yo-ahoy," they drive the errant sharks to market. There they have a whale of a time. They squander all the sand-dollars they've earned at the sand-bar drinking Rusty Snails and chasing after anything that smells like fish. "
Now That's a Big Fungus
Scientists have discovered Europe's biggest mushroom in a Swiss national park near the Ofenpass. They have confirmed that the 1,000 year old shroom which measures 800 by 500 meters is, in fact, one big fungus.
The only bigger shroom known to man exists in our very own United States and covers a surface area of 9 sq km and weighs about 600 tons. Note: I've tried to find additional info on the giant US growth, and cannot confirm where exactly it exists. Due to limited editing time, I am looking to my readership for this info. First one who tells me the answer, with appropriate supporting info, will gain my eternal gratitude. Limited time offer.
Lone woman gets own voting station in India
In the Indian village of Miao there is one registered voter, that being 26 year old Manjulikh Chakma. And she plans to vote in the state elections on October 7.
In order to make it legal and right in the eyes of the government, a staff of 14 poll workers and guards are therefore going to trek for 6 hours through the jungle to reach her. They will set up the polling place, and they will sit there from 7 am until 4pm when voting officially ends.
I just hope she remembers to Get Out The Vote.
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