
Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Link of the day: Find your calling as an evil henchman! http://enphilistor.users4.50megs.com/henchman.htm


OH NO! It's starting early!!!!!!!!!
I hope you all have your aluminum foil beanies ready. September 29th and the alien invasion are right around the proverbial corner, and I've had no updates regarding the progress of our Resistance Forces.


Gang, I have no time whatsoever for a coherent and timely missive today. My apologies. However, I DO have the results of a fine scientific experiment conducted here at the office yesterday. Read and be amazed. Bummer I don't have photos.

The Great Candy Experiment

Thanks to all who were involved in yesterday's fun human nature experiment, brainchild of Lord Mutter.

Observation: People enjoy partaking of candy that is presented to them in an open manner. People do not feel comfortable taking candy that is not presented in an open manner.

Question: What will happen when people who often partake of freely presented candies are faced with similar candies in a less inviting condition?

Mutter-pothesis: People will become confused and frustrated by seeing an unopened bag of chocolates next to a nearly empty candy bowl. And, most importantly, it will be funny.

Experiment: This tester purchased 14 lbs of assorted chocolatey candy. Placed sealed bags in clear view of subjects. Placed most tantalizing bag immediately next to candy bowl. In candy bowl, placed single piece of undesireable candy (ex: sweettart lollipop).

Analysis: During the 8 hour testing window, there were an estimated 45 attempts by various test subjects to obtain candy from the traditional spot. Within those attempts, there were 13 overt mentions of the candy configuration, but no earnest attempts to violate social norms by opening the sealed bag of candy. Intensity of frustration levels appeared to peak between 1:50 and 2:50 pm (much to this tester's surprise. It was expected that the peak would occur around 3pm).

Subjects generally would attempt to obtain candy 2 times, quitting after the second failed attempt. 4 subjects made greater than two approaches to the candy. These subjects were categorized as either more stressed or simply dim.

---Three attempts were made to steal the sealed bag of candy.
---1 polite request for candy was made, making use of the 'please' word. Tester rewarded subject with surreptitious passing of a snickers bar, and oath of silence.
--- 1 demand for the opening of candy bags was made. When refused, attempt to steal candy was witnessed
--- Two offers of cash for benefits were made. Most impressive offer, received at 1:50:53pm:
"I'm willing to put money in the hopper but only if I get some chocolate"

There was a marked drop in the morale of test subjects after the 3pm hour.

The test concluded at approximately 5:30pm when Lord Mutter declared the test a success and of high entertainment value, and opened a bag of candy. One subject was verbally enthusiastic upon said opening.

Conclusion: As usual, Lord Mutter was right. It was funny. For me, at least.

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