
Thursday, August 26, 2004

Today in History: August 26, 1957 - The first Edsel made by the Ford Motor Company rolled out.


Link of the Moment: http://www.onelife.com/evolve/degen.html "The rate of human descent is perhaps thousands of times faster than the rate of its ascent. Unless checked, the modern human (Homo sapiens), as a species, will soon collapse. The degeneration is already apparent."


Editor's Note: A Sincere Retraction. In yesterday's edition, this editor indicated that the Call From the Lord that saved Mary Dhume from being smooshed by a pickup truck was NOT from Lord Mutter. It pains me to admit that this was pure speculation on my part. In fact, it WAS none other than Lord Mutter who called Mary and saved her life.

I regret the error, and hope that my readership will forgive my lapse in judgment.


Short Attention Span Theatre

So you love your reality shows, but you just don't have the time to sit there and stare vacantly at the TV for an hour. What's a body to do? How's about THIS: Check out 'Genius on a String', a new reality show being released this week in New York.

What makes "Genius" so special? It's only 2 minutes long. There's a little tiny plot: two or three teams compete to "create a buzz" for a new invention. Quickly.

Now THAT'S a Mighty Poo

19 year old Jesse Huffman is having problems crossing the border from Canada back to the good old USofA. He and his buddies were stopped by Canadian border guards due to possession of alcohol discovered during a random search.

Jesse heard the call of nature, and asked to use the facilities. And boy did he use them. He took a poop that completely blocked the toilet and for that he is to be greatly punished. He said that he used 'at most' a fifth of a roll of toilet paper, not enough to block the potty.

But blocked it is, and Jesse has been arrested for criminal mischief, which carries a possible penalty of jail time and a $1,000 fine.

That stinks.

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