
Monday, August 16, 2004

Thought provoking link of the day:
Thought provoking comment of the day: Jim Mutter RULES!!!!!!!

Hubble catches space fart!

The Hubble Space Telescope may have another chance at life thanks to a giant fart!
Seems an unnamed star out there is losing 100 million times fore mass per second than even our own Sun, and it's releasing a stream of...er...particals that are getting trapped in a stellar wind. Which then creates a HUGE gas bubble!

Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, which isolates light emitted by sulphur, has caught the gassy bubble and NASA is way impressed.

So impressed, in fact, that NASA chief Sean O'Keefe reported on Wednesday that they are now going to try to send a robot servicing mission up to save the previously doomed telescope.
Said repairs could extend the telecope's life by about 5 years or so. Doing so would allow it to die a natural, predetermined death, rather than being slammed spectacularly into the earth's water.
So sad for those who wanted to see the impact .



Samuel Bonilla is a begger from Pedro Sula, Honduras. He could have continued being a begger, had his evil deception been discovered.

Sammy's been arrested now. Not for begging. But for dressing up as a pregnant woman to beg, and thus increasing his daily income. And that's just wrong.

Police said: "He told us that the would triple the amount of money he made by dressing up as a pregnant woman and that he thought that was unfair because he was a man and would never be able to get pregnant for real."

So there. I think he should sue from his prison cell.


German soldiers to be happier, more relaxed

German armed forces have now officially been given the go-ahead to have sex within ranks, and boy are they happy.

Commanders are to use "organisationsal and other measures" to provide "room for personal development." Rank is not a question, nor is the dastardly het/homo question an issue. As Dr Ruth always said, "If it feels good, do it."

The German forces, made up of 253,000 men and 10,600 women are rather excited by this new development.

Biggest limitation: no sex during work hours, which would be considered a 'disruption of service operations'.

Well...disruption of SOME service operations wink wink nudge nudge


Blind Woman Gets Ticket For Displaying Disabled Tag Backwards

91 year old Alice Barnes put her disabled permit on the dashboard of her son's car and toddled off. She returned to find a ticket and a £30 fine, because said permit was not facing the correct direction.

Blackpool police have defended their action, stating "We can only stress again the importance of people reading the guidelines issued with the permit. If they follow these carefully, there won't be a problem."

Uh. She's blind. Ahem.


From The Illustrious Lord Mutter:

Forget Dog Fights: 115 Arrested for Illegal Insect Fights

115 men were arrested in Hong Kong on Sunday for illegal gambling: on insect fights. The fights were taking place in the same building that housed a cricket lovers' association.

300 crickets were siezed along with cash, and the bug gamblers were still in custody Sunday, awaiting charges.

Illegal gambling, whether on bugs or other, carries a maximum penalty of $1,280 and three months' imprisonment.

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