
Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Today in History: July 6, 1946: GW Bush graced the world with his birth.

N.Y. Post Puts Wrong VP Choice on Front Page

Someone at the New York Post is in big trouble. Eager to beat the others to the punch, the Post published its front page headline that Dick Gephardt got the VP nod from Kerry.

Bummer they were wrong.
Additionally damning to the Post was their description of the true VP candidate, Sen John Edwards: Edwards "lacks experience. He is a one-term senator whose lack of seasoning in foreign affairs could have made voters nervous about his ability to assume the presidency during a war or an international crisis. "


From the Desk of Chief Mid Atlantic Correspondent Glenn McMillen...

How to Not Steal an ATM Machine.

A sneaky guy in Saudi Arabia decided to take advantage of the regular loudness of the area, what with rocket bombs and such, and attempted to bob an ATM machine. With a bulldozer.

Much to his surprise, people DID notice that the bulldozer ripping out an ATM was not equivalent to an al Qaeda attack, and reported the activity to the police.

Dude managed to escape without being captured.

But rest assured, with his knack for subtlety, he will be apprehended.

'Fahrenheit 9/11' Banned

Folks from Iowa and Nebraska who frequent Fridley Theatres for their film entertainment won't be seeing Michael Moore's incendiary flick 'Fahrenheit 9/11'. The owner of said theatres states that he believes the movie incites terrorism and he's just not gonna show 'political propaganda films' in his theatres.

States Fridley: "These barbarians have shown through (the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001) and the recent beheadings that they will stop at nothing."

Including making people watch Michael Moore movies.

Broke Up? Sue her.

Nikolay Kozlov from Yekaterinburg, Russia, is suing his ex-girlfriend. After she dumped him, he demanded the return of the love gifts he had given her: love gifts like chocolates, nuts (*tee hee*), bananas (*snicker*), and a bright red apple. Problem for him: she doesn't binge and purge, hence the foods are gone.

Nikolay doesn't care. He says, "If I don't win in Yekaterinburg I'll go the Supreme Court and if need be even the European Court for Human Rights."

I'm thinkin' his ex made a REALLY good decision in dumping him...

Rich Parents Overpay for 'Art'

A class of preschool children painted some 'abstract art' in Melbourne Australia, and it was put up for sale. Proud rich parents went into a frenzy to be able to pay top dollar for their refrigerator art, not stopping until the winning bid of about $55,000.

One of the losing bidders, millionaire parent John Ilhan, described the art: "There were a couple of children on it, a couple of animals and a flower, at least I think that's what they were."

Mmmm. Sounds...pretty.

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