
Monday, July 26, 2004

Today in History:  July 26th, 1947:   The National Security Council is created.  Whoo hoo!


Teresa Heinz Kerry: Do as I Say, Not as I Do

HaHA!  Teresa Heinz Kerry, John's wife, was at a Democratic shin dig schtumping for the man who would be prez.  But she kind of sent some mixed messages.

During her speech, she told the Kerryites that it was important for Democrats to "turn back some of the creeping, un-Pennsylvanian and sometimes un-American traits that are coming into some of our politics."

A reporter from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review leaped upon her use of the phrase 'un-American' (which was, by the way, broadcast all over morning television) and asked her just what she meant by that.  She repeatedly denied using such a term.

She turned away, and then inexplicably turned back.  Stabbing her finger the reporter's general direction, Terry snarled:  "You said something I didn't say, now SHOVE IT."

Way to go, Terry.  Kinder, gentler...uh huh...

What's He Doing Up There?

Note:  prior to protesting something, make sure people can tell what it IS that you are protesting.

A guy from Chile apparently thought he could change the world by dangling himself off of a balcony at the JW Marriott hotel in Miami.  So he tied a rope around his waist and hung off the side of the building for a while, waving a sign that read: "Say no to tourism until Florida stops discrimination of tourists."'

Sadly, being up on the 20th floor of the hotel, his sign couldn't be read from below.

After about 3 hours, the cops and firefolks were able to convince dude to crawl back into the hotel room.  He's now being observed to determine if he might have a couple of screws loose.


The mayor of Florissant, Colorado, is an ass.

Really.  Voted in for a second term was Paco Bell, a donkey.  Folks in this here part of the nation don't go fer that whole 'election thang' and think it might be just about the stupidest thing they ever done heard of. So they done nominated 4 donkeys. Paco Bell's ballot box was stuffed with donations from the Pikes Peak Historical Society, so he done won.  Birdie, a white donkey, came in second. The other two critters were no-shows: "We had one who was colicky, so he couldn't make it, and another one's trailer broke down, so he couldn't come either," said organizer Tracie Bennitt.

Yeeeee haw!

Post Divorce Cha Ching!

Randy Fletcher has been having a bad year.

In January, he found his wife in bed with a neighbor when he arrived home unexpectedly.

March came and a deer slammed into his 1956 Chevy, killing the car.

Along came May, and his german shepherd was diagnosed with cancer and was put down.    

July 15th his divorce from his cheating wife was finalized, and he had lost his life savings to the wench.

 July 17th, he won a MILLION DOLLARS in a state lottery!  Sure, it breaks down to a bit under 300,000 after taxes and stuff, but hey - talk about some good luck!  And it's aaaallll his.  So there.  He's gonna get himself a new motorcycle, a new pup, and then take a vacation. 

Go Randy!


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