
Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Today in History: June 23,1993: In the middle of the night the supremely disgruntled Lorena Bobbit chops off hubby John's wing ding and drives away, tossing the unit into a nearby field. Cops found the tidbit, and surgeons reattached it, allowing John to enter the porn industry. The couple's last name becomes a verb.

Rain Rain, Go Away

Wow. That Glastonbury festival is just pushing the limits everywhere! Along with the previously reported She Pee female urinals, the organizers of the festival are now planning to force the weather to be nice. The weather forecast in the area is for rain today, Saturday, and Sunday. So organizers have dug out their 'cloudbusters' in preparation. Said cloudbusters, designed by Wilhelm Reich, were last used at the festival in 1971. A neighbor a bunch of miles away from the fest will aim the tool, which looks like an anti-aircraft gun, at impending cloud cover. It extracts 'deadly orgone radiation' from the atmosphere, turning the clouds into rain. Having deposited the water over the friendly neighbor, the clouds will no longer threaten the festival.

Cool stuff, that.


Farrell's Manly Staff 'too distracting' for audiences

Colin Farrell shot a new flick called A Home at the End of the World, in which he had full frontal nudity. However, scenes showing his amazing tool have been cut because his manhood is too distracting for audiences.

It's been reported that during test screenings "All you could hear were gasps when Colin appeared in his full-frontal pose. The women were over-excited and the men looked really uncomfortable. It was such a sight it made it difficult to concentrate on the plot, so the decision was made to get rid of it."

Get rid of it just in the film of course. Colin is still intact, and has demanded that the scenes be included on the DVD release of the film.

Heh heh. Release. Heh.


From Lord Mutter:

"A family affair"

So last week 23 year old Lance Champion decided to confront a local police officer whom he believed was speeding. The whole citizen's arrest thing, I guess. Lance apparently crossed the line when talking with Deputy Lt Stan Hillis and ended up in custody for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and evading arrest.

So Lance called Mom. Mom and Lance's brother hustled on down to the police station, where Bro' smacked the hand of a deputy who was attempting to shoo them away from the area as Lance's car was getting ready to be towed. There's another arrest for family member 2.

Mom got loud and uncooperative, so they tossed her in as well with charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Family member 3.

Then Dad came rushing down to the station (straight from church even), became disorderly and was shot by a deputy's Taser and taken into custody as well! Family member 4.

They were all released a short while later, and returned to their status of 'fine upstanding family'.

Heh heh. Released. Again. Heh.


Zoinks! A Zonkey!

A California ranch owner has created a new animal: the zonkey. She mated a zebra and a miniature donkey, resulting in a foal that has zebra legs and ears and a donkey body.

She's also planning on using her ponies and horses to create Zonies and Zorses.

Here's a pic of the little critter:


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