
Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Today in History: May 12, 1925: Yogi "It's d`ej`a vu all over again!" Berra was born.


I Believe a Beer is In Order

A Danish trawler was out in the Skagerrak waters between Norway and Denmark when it made a mighty catch. Nope, it wasn’t a sea monster, nor a mermaid. It was a German submarine which was taking part in NATO maneuvers in the area, and was forced to rise to the surface due to the net entanglement. Hopefully they weren’t stealth maneuvers, cause if so the Germans lost! (Again.)


First Class, Coach Class, Corpse Class...

Hey now, don't worry if you or a friend should keel over in mid-flight on Singapore Airlines. Any concerns you may have about causing undue stress upon your flight buddies can now be tossed aside with the introduction of the Corpse Cupboard.

In the new Airbus A340-500, a special compartment has been added for the express reason of accomodating the body of anyone who may croak in-flight. Singapore Airlines believes that shoving the body into the Cupboard before rigor mortis sets in will ensure that the person's demise will be handled 'with sensitivity' and will ensure that it is handled in a dignified manner.


Utah Woman Finally Gets Skull Back

Briana Lane, 22, can finally say she's a hard-headed woman again. This after four months without almost half of her skull, which was in the freezer at University of Utah Health Sciences Center as an insurance battle raged over who would pay for the skull to be put back on her.

Briana was in a bad old car accident back in January, and to save her life the hospital folks had to chop off half her skull. Gotcha. Then the red tape began. Briana did not have insurance: she was on Medicaid. Medicaid considers coverage and sets down a ruling 90 days after discharge.

The surgery to put Briana's skull back was denied in the initial ruling, Medicaid deciding that Briana did not meet the insurance program's disability requirements - although her brain was pumping unencumbered out of her general head area, and often in the morning was kind of smushy, she was not considered totally disabled.

After all, she HAD been supplied with a plastic street hockey helmet she could use to protect her head.

"You'd think they could give me something better protective," said Lane. "Like a skull, perhaps."

Miffed, the unemployed Briana ultimately contacted a local TV station and "All of a sudden - top of the list!" she said.

April 30th her skull was put back on, though the battle between the hospital and Medicaid still rages on. Yeeesh.


Family Tree

So the British guy froze his sperm before becoming a woman.

The guy turned woman fell in love with, and has made a life partnership with, a lesbian.

The lesbian and the transsexual are taking her pre-op sperm to the US so they can create a baby girl with DNA from both women.

(Britain doesn't let them choose the child's sex, you see).

So then kiddo will have MomA and MomB and MomB will also equal DadA.



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