
Friday, May 28, 2004

Gathered up this stuff yesterday and the previous night. Too busy to kick it out promptly. Forgive my priority issues. As well as any typos. Cheers!

Oh, and, uh, yesterday in History: May 27 1995 - In Charlottesville, VA, Christopher Reeve was paralyzed after being thrown from his horse during a jumping event.

Chief MidAtlantic Correspondent Glenn McMillen provides the following important message:

New York bans used panties

If you're in the market for previously worn lingerie, soon you'll need to find somewhere other than New York for your supply. The City Council is considering making it illegal to sell previously worn (or at least returned) undies and such.

Apparently folks were so grossed out by a news report that showed such esteemed retailers as Saks Fifth Avenue and Macy's reselling used or returned underwear that they want to put a legal stop to it. Discussions are on-going to determine if the restrictions should exclude bras, undershirts, socks and bathingsuits.

The ick factor, according to Donald Halperin of the New York Metropolitan Retailers Association, really is limited to women's undergarments...'because women care more about such issues more than men.'

Disgusting Senior Prank

Ah, those crazy high school seniors. Here's another one, though this is more disgusting than demented. In Eminence, IN, someone - presumed to be from the senior class - spread hundreds of pounds of manure on the school doors and around the building. To make it more repulsive, said individual(s) scattered dead animals, animal blood and 'for sale' signs outside of the school. (Yes, the for sale signs were stolen). Because 2004 was painted on the grass, all fingers are pointing at the senior class.

Stockton said school officials would prosecute if the guilty parties were found, and the Morgan County Sheriff's Department was investigating.


Yum! Fresh Python Head!

Friendly neighbor Cynthia Christensen rolled her motorized wheelchair down the street to hang out and chat with some neighbors, one of whom happened to have her 1 1/2 foot python with her. Cyndi asked if she could hold it. Jennie (the snakes owner) said sure.
Then things got weird.
Cyndi suddenly said she was going to bite the snake's head off. Jennie turned around to see what the heck Cyndi was talking about and there you have it: headless dead snake, full mouth on Cyndi! Charges are pending.

One person across the street witnessed the decapitation which in my opinion takes sushi to a whole new level.


Let Them Watch Porn!

LL Media, in Nordjylland, Denmark, has decided that it's a good idea to offer all of its employees free subscriptions to internet porn. Figuring that 80% of the hits on the internet are on porn sites, the company's director believes that porn access should be a standard fringe benefit.

In return for this service the company blocks all access to porn pages during office hours.

Nielson is hoping that letting folks get their internet jollies for what equates to about 5 bucks per person per week will make his employees more relaxed and efficient.


Something for the Brits to be Proud of
Tom Gibson, 24, from London has broken the world record for continuous television watching. Tom started his staring on Tuesday in a site with full public view. During the gruelling event, Tom watched back to back episodes of cartoons, movies, and other standard tv fair. He managed to stay awake and staring for 47 hours and 8 minutes, destroying the previously held record of 47 hours and 16 seconds.

A quote from the over achiever: "This was no easy task. On Wednesday morning at about 2am I felt like I was going to nod off but I stood up and stretched my legs to keep me awake - but never took my eyes off the screen. My TV highlight would have to be watching the Champions League."

Ah, yes.

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