
Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Today in History - March 30,1980 - People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was founded by Ingrid Newkirk and Alex Pacheco. In honor of this blessed event, I propose that we each go out and have a nice steak dinner or maybe some KFC. Or maybe...Mmmm...veal…..


I just think this is odd...

So in Pittsburgh a 15 year old girl made the somewhat foolish decision to take a bunch of sexy pics of herself & kick them out onto the internet. She sent these pics to the friendly and trustworthy people she met in internet chat rooms. Poor judgment, could be.
She is now being charged with kiddie porn: for taking those pics of herself. She's being charged with sexual abuse of children (herself), possession of child pornography (pics of herself) and dissemination of child pornography (maybe this makes sense). I wonder if she's going to end up suing herself in court for the pain and suffering she suffered...er...at her own hands.


Is that a Firecracker in your pants or ....

Shannon Kramer, from Jacksonville FL, got in a fight with his girlfriend Sunday night. Deciding to show her who's boss, Shannon dashed to his car and got a firework he just happened to have there. Shannon lit the quick burning fuse with the intention of throwing the firework at his chickie and causing her some damage.
So sad for him that he accidentally dropped the incendiary device BETWEEN HIS LEGS where it then went off! Dude suffered burns to his legs and his nether regions and will likely think twice next time he wants to blow up a girlfriend.

If he ever has one again.


Kill Me Once, Shame on You, Kill Me Twice…

Folks living in Marotinu de sus, Romania, are a bit irritated with their local police. See, the police are sticking their noses in where they do not belong: into the matters of vampire killers.
Vampire killing has been a tradition in this area of Romania, with most children being schooled in the proper methods or killing the undead from a very early age. So when Toma Petre's relatives dug up his corpse, ripped out his heart to burn it & then drank the ashes, they didn't think there was anything amiss.

Some background for you: vampires (according to Romanian experts) do not indiscriminately suck the blood of any old Tom, Dick, or Harry. They actually will only go after loved ones, causing said loved ones to fall ill after the vampire's original death (cause the vampire is draining their blood, see). This is what happened with Petra. He croaked, his family got sick, and so they knew he was a vampire and had to rekill him. His loving family dug up his coffin and there he was, laying on his side (proof yet again), with a heart that squeaked and jumped as it burned in the traditional iron pan (more proof: if the heart doesn't squeak after it is ripped out and burned, it's not a vampire). The family drank the cocktail of vampire ash and water and voila! They all got better!

The police are not amused, and are expecting to file charges of disturbing the peace of the dead (punishable by up to 3 years in jail). Knight Ridder reports that Flora Marinescu, Petre's sister and the wife of the rekiller believes it's a non-issue: "If they're right, he was already dead. If we're right, we killed a vampire and saved three lives. ... Is that so wrong?"

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