
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Today in History: Mar 24 1989 Exxon tanker Valdez, piloted by a drunk captain, strikes a well-charted reef at Prince William sound, spilling 11 million gallons of crude oil. He was sued.


Angry Lesbians With Computers

Dyke: a tabular body of igneous rock that has been injected while molten into a fissure (Webster's dictionary).
Dyke: often disparaging : LESBIAN (also Webster's dictionary)

Word 2000, in spite of Microsoft's desire to produce PC software for PC's, has a cute little 'error' in its spell check/grammar check. If you type "the dykes WHICH cut the granite are 2m wide", Word will recommend changing it to "the dykes WHO cut the granite are 2m wide".

Stay tuned for the class action lawsuit dealing with the mental anguish/pain and suffering this has caused world-wide.


Another One Bites the Dust

So another person has croaked while viewing The Passion of Christ. This time, it was Jose Geraldo Soares, 43, a minister in Brazil. Word has it that about half way through the movie his wife (who was sitting next to him) noticed that he was "asleep". Turns out he was actually deceased, following in the footsteps of former Wichita, KS, resident Peggy Scott.

Yet ANOTHER fine opportunity for a lawsuit! This time, wrongful death!


Wedded Bliss? Nope. Not Here.

Trying to avoid lawsuits, Benton County in Oregon has decided to ban all marriages until the whole same-sex marriage controversy is resolved. Starting today, folks who apply for a marriage license will be met with a resounding 'NO'.

Originally, Benton County was going to start allowing gay marriage licenses this week, but seeing how there's a tizzy going on in every other state that is allowing it, they decided to go exactly the opposite way and ban them all.


But We Work Harder Than They Do!

The 16 violinists who play for the Beethoven Orchestra in Bonn, Germany, are suing the orchestra for more pay. They say they play a heck of a lot more notes than those lousy oboe players and flute players, not to mention the dude with the cymbals. According to News canada.com, here's the response from the director, Laurentius Bonitz: "The suit is ridiculous. It's absurd."
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